What Type Of Degree Do Interior Design Graduate Programs Give You?Being an interior designer can be done without any kind of formal training or study, but getting an education in the industry of Interior Design is a very positive thing for a person to do. Taking courses in Interior Design Graduate Programs can earn you a couple different types of degrees. These include the MFA or Master of Fine Arts degree, the MA which is Master of Arts degree, and the First Professional Master of Arts degree in Art and Design. There are requirements that have to be met in order to get the diploma of these degrees. Most of the Interior Design Graduate Programs that you attend will vary on their title of the courses in order to get your credits but basically in order to get your Master of Fine Arts Degree you must take Experimental Interior Design Studio which will give you 15 credits, Design Humanics which will give you 15 credits, Design Methods which will give you 8 credits, Research methods, Research Forum, Teaching Seminar, Seminar and various electives, and a thesis research report which will all give you 22 credits. All of these courses in the Interior Design Graduate Programs will give you 60 credits which is what you need in order to get the diploma for this degree. In order to get the Master of Arts degree, you would need to take similar courses but will not have to encounter the various electives with the seminars and these courses in the Interior Design Graduate Programs will give you 34 credits which is what you need to get the diploma for this degree. Getting your First Professional Masters of Arts in Art and Design degree has you taking all of the courses that you have to take to get the Masters of Fine Arts degree but adds Preparatory Interior Design Studio, Preparatory Interior Design Systems and Practices, and Design Communications that will give you 70 credits which is what you will need in order to get the diploma for this degree. After these Interior Design Graduate Programs have been completed, the graduates usually do some more individual programs of study in order to further their knowledge in the actual type of interior design that they want to work in. There are many interior designers that learn it all when it comes to the ways of decorating but there are Interior Design Graduate Programs that one can take that will focus on one specific type of decorating style such as Art Deco or Aspen. It will all depend on where the graduate wants to take their career and what type of decorating they want to do. |